Sponsor a child
The decision to sponsor a child from Africa or anywhere else in the world is rewarding, as you have the opportunity to profoundly transform a child's life and your own.
Américo Oliveira
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Wesley Souza
Américo is 7 years old.
He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Acácio Luke
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Tharlly Magri
Acácio is 8 years old. He has two brothers, one of whom is also assisted by the PAI Project.
Admira Flor
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Wesley Souza
Admira is 6 years old. She's assisted by the PAi project.
Adélia Jose
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Debora Bilzerian
Adélia is 7 years old. She has 4 siblings, 2 of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Alima Medmoha
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Wesley Souza
Alima is 4 years old. She's assisted by the PAi project.
Amilton Amado
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Wesley Souza
Amilton is 3 years old. He has a brother who is also assisted by Projeto PAI.
Ana Sol
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Lauriete Miller
Ana is 3 years old. She has three brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Angelo Berto
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Tharlly Magri
Angelo is 9 years old.He has two brothers, one of whom is also assisted by the PAI Project.
Antônia Fran
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Daniel Souza
Antônia is 9 years old. She's assisted by the PAI project.
Antônio Mague
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Alan Teixeira
Antônio is 10 years old. He's assisted by the PAI project.
Arão Chico
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Diego Moraes
Arão is 7 years old. He has three brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Assane Alexandre
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Fabio Souza
Assane is 8 years old. He has two brothers, one of whom is also assisted by the PAI Project.
Augusto America
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Tharlly Magri
Augusto is 12 years old. He has five siblings who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Benilde Alves
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Bruno Paizante
Benilde is 3 years old. She has a brother who is also assisted by Projeto PAI.
Berta João
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Raphael Nogueira
Berta is 12 years old. She's assisted by the PAI project.
Calisto Paulo
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Zacarias Campos
Calisto is 9 years old. He has two brothers, one of whom is also assisted by the PAI Project.
Carlota Richarde
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Tharlly Magri
Carlota is 13 years old. She has three brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Catarina Xande
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Jonas de Jesus
Catarina is 7 years old. She has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Chané Rachel
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Jonas de Jesus
Chané is 7 years old. He's assisted by the PAI project.
Cleiton Simba
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Tharlly Magri
Cleiton is 12 years old. He has three siblings, two of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Cristina Amiga
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Raphael Nogueira
Cristina is 13 years old. She has four brothers, three of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Cristina Lima
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Jonas de Jesus
Cristina is 9 years old. She has 3 sliblings who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Cristina Tonio
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Jonas de Jesus
Cristina is 2 years old. She has 4 siblings who attend Projeto PAI project.
Dalton Afino
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Raphael Nogueira
Dalton is 5 years old. He has four siblings who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Damalito Arlindo
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Jonas de Jesus
Damalito is 5 years old. He's assisted by the PAI project.
Dani Martins
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Edno Miller
Dani is 3 years old. He has a brother who is also assisted by the PAI Project.
Daniel Franco
Daniel is 9 years old.He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Elias Rodrigues
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Juliana Rodrigues
Elias is 9 years old.He's assisted by the PAI project.
Elídio Lucas
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Darlene Honorato
Elídio is 5 years old. He's assisted by the PAI project.
Emília Berto
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Bruno Robadel
Emília is 4 years old. She has five siblings, two of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Emília Helena
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Debora Bilzerian
Emília is 5 years old. She has 3 brothers that are also assisted by the PAI project
Eugênia Nando
Eugênia 9 years old. She has 2 brothers that are also assisted by the PAi project
Fania Alzira
Fania is 13 years old. She has three brothers, two of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Faustino Carlito
Faustino is 11 years old. He has three brothers, two of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Fina Maria
Fina is 3 years old. She has a brother who is also assisted by the PAI Project.
Flora Orlando
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Marcia Santos
Flora is 8 years old. She's assisted by the PAI project.
Graça Rosa
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Bruno Robadel
Graça is 2 years old. She's assisted by the PAi project.
Helena Albano
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Camila Santos
Helena is 3 years old. She's assisted by the PAI project.
Herminio Figueira
Herminio is 3 years old.He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI project.
Isaque Mariano
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Isaque Chagas
Isaque is 12 years old. He's assisted by the PAI project.
Ismael Amisse
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Elio Santos
Ismael he is 12 years old.He's assisted by the PAI project.
Ismael Luis
Ismael is 9 years old. He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Itamar Custodio
Itamar is 4 years old. He has a brother who is also assisted by Projeto PAI.
Joana Acorcio
Joana is 10 years old. She has 5 siblings, four of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
José Albano
José is 5 years old. He has three brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Juleca Antonio
Juleca is 4 years old. She has five siblings, four of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Jéssica Galvao
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Jonathan Rangel
Jéssica is 2 years old.She's assisted by the PAI project.
Kaiane Maria
Kaiane is 3 years old. She has four brothers, three of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Leonel José
Leonel is 5 years old. He has 3 brothers who are also assited by the PAI project.
Letícia Afino
Leticia is 5 years old. She has four brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Lote Ben
Lote is 8 years old. He has 3 brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Maria Alice
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Márcia Souza
Maria is 7 years old. Maria, her mother and four brothers who are also assisted by the project.
Micaela Alberto
Micaela is 15 years old. She has six siblings, four of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Miguel Verissimo
Miguel is 5 years old. He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Moisés Chico
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Bruno Robadel
Moisés is 3 years old. He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Naira Mine
Naira is 12 years old. She has three brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Nando Silva
Nando is 14 years old. He has three brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Nassim Custódio
Nassim is 7 years old. He has four brothers, three of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Nelton Nudine
Nelton is 13 years old. He has a brother who is also assisted by Projeto PAI.
Nilza Julia
Nilza is 11 years old. She has 3 brothers, theyre all assisted by the PAI project.
Orlando Junior
Orlando is 7 years old. He has three brothers, who are also assisted by Projeto PAI.
Patrícia Moreira
Patricia is 6 years old. She has 4 brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Paulino afino
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Pricilla Rezende
Paulino is 10 years old. He has four brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Rafael Afino
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Rafael Louback
Rafael is 12 years old. He has four brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Sebastião Lucas
Sebastião is 10 years old. He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Stela Strela
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Pricilla Rezende
Stella is 5 years old.. She has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Stélio Jaime
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Bruno Robadel
Stélio is 7 years old.He has two brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Thamire Mangue
Thamire is 12 years old. She has 2 brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Vanilda Francisco
Vanilda is 7 years old. She has four brothers, two of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Vicente Fernando
Vicente is 7 years old. He has four brothers, two of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Vilma Sara
Vilma is 11 years old.
She has three brothers who are also assisted by the PAI Project.
Zaynur Amino
Zaynur is 12 years old.
He has 5 siblings, 4 of whom are also assisted by the PAI Project.